

Product, Pricing, and Category Management

We evaluate your existing product category fit to advise on two potential directions: optimizing your current product or introducing a new one.

With the right testing, your ideas will be primed to drive category growth.

  • Our team uncovers potential new features or products and conducts an initial assessment of the product concept. We then identify ideas with the highest potential for further development.

  • We measure the value of a new product and the likely take rate of the product to consumers. Our team will also assess the incremental value of product features when they are sold separately or bundled.

  • Our team identifies the best consumers to target, marketing channels to leverage, and features to emphasize for the product as it gains product maturation and customer familiarity over time.

  • We explore potential product extensions or market extensions of the current product through needs assessment as it aligns with your business strategy.

  • Our researchers test services or products with differing price thresholds and combinations of features and functionalities against consumer targets of interest. The result addresses your business objectives for revenue or profit optimization.